Sunday, August 31, 2014

3rd Labor Day Series

1. Stan Solomon - 3
2. Chris Jackson - 60
3. Brad Wheelwright - 1
4. Don Law - 37
5. Allison Jackson - 90
6. Casey Dannhauser - 93
7. Conrad Geyser - 96
8. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
9. Nelson Klein - 94
10. Phil Odence - 66
11. Tabor Keally - 82
12. Mike Dannhauser - 87
13. Jen Austin - 72
14. C Odence - 77
15. Pat Long - 83
16. Dale Edmunds - 68

2nd Labor Day Series

1. Peter Edmunds - 68
2. Brad Wheelwright - 1
3. Allison Jackson - 90
4. Phil Odence - 66
5. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
6. Stan Solomon - 3
7. Chris Jackson - 60
8. Catherine Long - 86
9. Dake Henderson - 101
10. Tom Klein - 94
11. Alex Keally - 82
12. Jan Rapp - 85
13. Matt Santangelo - 39
14. Andy Nickerson - 63
15. John Solomon - 108
16. Connors - 105

1st Labor Day Series

1. Allison Jackson - 90
2. Brad Wheelwright - 1
3. Don Law - 37
4. Phil Odence - 66
5. Dake Henderson - 101
6. John Kiley - 73
7. Jay Jackson - 4
8. Chris Jackson - 60
9. Stan Solomon - 3
10. Tom Klein - 94
11. Conrad Geyser - 96
12. Pat Long - 83
13. Casey Dannhauser - 93
14. Tom Burgess - 12
15. Greg Austin Sr. - 72
16. Catherine Long - 86
17. Jane Austin - 76
18. Peter Edmunds - 68
19. Larry Odence - 77
20. Mike Dannhauser - 87
21. Andy Nickerson - 63
22. Jan Rapp - 85

Club Championship

1. Lincoln Jackson
2. Brad Wheelwright
3. Allison Jackson
4. Jay Jackson
5. Phil Odence
6. Beebe Jackson



1. Greg Austin Jr. - 76
2. Nelson Klein - 94
3. Catherine Long - 86
4. Dale and Peter Edmunds - 68
5. Larry Odence - 77

Race 1:

1. Greg Austin Jr. - 76
2. Don Law - 37
3. Catherine Long - 86
4. Nelson Klein - 94
5. Mike Dannhauser - 87
6. Larry Odence - 77
7. Dale Edmunds - 68
8. Jan Rapp - 85

Race 2:

1. Chris White - 3
2. Greg Austin Jr. - 76
3. Nelson Klein - 94
4. Catherine Long - 86
5. Larry Odence - 77
6. Dale Edmunds - 68
7. Mike Dannhauser - 87

Race 3:

1. Greg Austin Jr. - 76
2. Catherine Long - 86
3. Nelson Klein - 94
4. Pat Long - 83
5. John Kiley - 73
6. Peter Edmunds - 68
7. Larry Odence - 77

Race 4:

1. Greg Austin Jr. - 76
2. Nelson Klein - 94
3. Peter Edmunds - 68
4. Catherine Long - 86
5. Larry Odence - 77

Friday, August 22, 2014

7th Senior Series

* = Qualifying Skipper

1. Conrad Geyser - 96
2. Nelson Klein - 94
3. Brad Wheelwright - 1
4. Alex Keally - 82
5. Allen Neal - 8*
6. Jay Jackson - 20
7. Nicholas Solomon - 3*
8. Davis Jackson - 32*
9. Dale Edmunds - 68
10. Mike Dannhauser - 87
11. Ali Carley - 15
12. John Dooley - 46*
13. D.J. Long - 83
14. Chris Jackson - 108

4th August Junior Series

1. Francis Selldorff - 8
2. Max Spence - 92
3. Jackson Barzun - 32
4. Luke White - 12
5. Colin Keally - 82
6. Sam Trelegan - 65
7. Maddie Ford - 77
8. John Dooley - 15
9. Will Carley - 57
10. Abby Ford - 108

DSQ: Jack Gould - 63

Sunday, August 17, 2014

7th Informal Series

1. Tom Klein - 94
2. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
3. Conrad Geyser - 96
4. Alison Jackson - 90
5. Michael Dannhauser - 87
6. Gordon Jackson - 72
7. Lincoln Jackson - 60
8. Pat Jackson - 4
9. Andrew Solomon - 8
10. Malcolm Carley - 15
11. Alex Nuechterlein - 46
12. Chris Jackson - 20

DNF: Jay Jackson - 17

6th Cabot Series

1. Katie Austin - 76
2. Catherine Long - 86
3. Nancy Jackson - 90
4. Hellie Swartwood - 57

Saturday, August 16, 2014

3rd Challenge Cup

1. Phil Odence - 66
2. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
3. Stan Solomon - 3
4. Josh Jackson - 60
5. Katie Austin - 72

DNF: Lincoln Jackson - 38

Exchange Race

1. Phil Odence - 90
2. Lincoln Jackson - 96
3. Allison Jackson - 66
4. Ali Carley - 60
5. Conrad Geyser - 57
6. Jan Rapp - 32

Missed the Exchange: Larry Odence - 77

6th Senior Series

1. Gordon Jackson - 96
2. Alison Jackson - 90
3. Phil Odence - 66
4. John Keally - 82
5. Pete Edmunds - 68
6. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
7. Dake Henderson - 101
8. Sam Carley - 57
9. Guy Jackson - 20
10. Michael Dannhauser - 87

DNF: Jackson Barzun - 123; Max Spence - 92; Jay Jackson - 17; Catherine Long - 86; Stan Solomon - 3; Alex Neuchterlein - 46; Pat Long - 83

DNS: Andrew Solomon - 80

Friday, August 15, 2014

3rd August Jr. Series

1. Colin Keally - 80
2. Jackson Barzun - 123
3. Jack Gould - 63

Did Not Finish - Abby Ford - 77
DSQ - Michael Collins - 7

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Series Standings

Challenge Cup:

1. Gatherwind
2. Swamp Fox
3. (Tie) Yankee, Escape

Informal Series:

1. Yankee
2. Alecto II
3. Topsy IV

Senior Series:

1. Firecracker
2. Dragon Fly

Cabot Series

1. Spark
2. Kwitcherbeliaken
3. Endurance

August Junior Series

1. Jack Gould
2. Sam Monahan
3. Max Spence

July Junior Series

Congratulation to Beebe Jackson for winning the July Junior Series, and to Jack Gould for coming in second.

Championship Series

Congrats to Lincoln Jackson for winning the Championship Series in the Alecto II, and to Chris Jackson for coming in second in the Gatherwind.

6th Informal Series

1. Nelson Klein - 94
2. Michael Dannhauser - 87
3. Casey Dannhauser - 93
4. Jay Jackson - 38
5. Brad Wheelwright - 1
6. Tom Klein - 88
7. Andrew Solomon - 8
8. John Solomon - 80
9. Allison Jackson - 90
10. Conrad Geyser - 96
11. Chris Jackson - 33
12. D.J. Long - 83
13. Adam Keally - 82
14. Shannon Collins - 7
15. Jane Austin - 76
16. Michael Collins - 32

2nd Challenge Cup

1. Jay Jackson - 3
2. Tom Klein - 94
3. Phil Odence - 66
4. Conrad Geyser - 96
5. Mike Dannhauser - 87
6. Allison Jackson - 90
7. Greg Austin Jr. - 76
8. Max Spence - 92
9. Brad Wheelwright - 1
10. Dake Henderson - 101
11. Guy Jackson - 4
12. Chris Jackson - 38
13. Greg Austin Sr. - 72
14. Michael Collins - 32
15. Nelson Klein - 88
16. Stephen Morris - 57
17. Jan Rapp - 57
18. Larry Odence - 77
19. Pat Jackson - 20
20. Dale Edmunds - 68

5th Cabot Series

1. Casey Dannhauser - 93
2. Nancy Jackson - 20
3. Katie Austin - 76
4. Lisa Hobson - 102
5. Hellie Swartwood - 57
6. Allison Jackson - 90
7. Catherine Long - 86

375th Anniversary Race

1. Brad Wheelwright - 1
2. Phil Odence - 66
3. Conrad Geyser - 96
4. Jay Jackson - 38
5. Tom Klein - 94
6. Catherine Long - 86
7. Jackson Barzun - 123
8. Guy Jackson - 4
9. Pat Jackson - 90
10. Chris Jackson - 3
11. Christopher White - 8
12. Malcolm Carley - 15
13. D.J. Long - 83
14. Jay Spence - 92
15. John Solomon - 80
16. Dan Delvecchio - 84
17. Dale Edmunds - 68
18. Nelson Klein - 17
19. Geoff Peck - 77
20. Greg Austin Sr. - 72
21. Micheal Collins - 32
22. Will Carley - 57
23. Katie Austin - 76

DNF: Jan Rapp - 85; John Collins - 7; Mark Robinson - 56

Grand Island Race

1. Brad Wheelwright
2. Jay Jackson - 90
3. Nick Pierson - 88
4. Chris Jackson - 3
5. Don Law - 37
6. Conrad Geyser - 96
7. Mike Dannhauser - 87
8. D.J. Long - 83
9. Sam Carley - 57
10. John Kiley - 73
11. Nelson Klein - 94
12. Tom Burgess - 12
13. Christopher White - 8
14. Catherine Long - 86
15. Warren Wheelwright - 14
16. Phil Odence - 66
17. Dake Henderson - 101
18. Greg Austin Sr. -72
19. Larry Odence - 77
20. Tom Klein - 17
21. Sam Monahan - 26
22. Greg Austin Jr. - 76
23. John Solomon - 80
24. Dale Edmunds - 68
25. Patrick Jackson - 20
26. Jackson Barzun - 123
27. Malcolm Carley - 15
28. Dan Delvechio - 84
29. Michael Collins - 32
30. Matt Santangelo - 39
31. Lisa Hobson - 102
32. Jan Rapp - 85

DNF: Casey Dannhauser - 93

August Moonlight Race

1. Andrew Solomon - 8
2. Jack Gould - 63
3. Stephen Morris - 15
4. Colin Keally - 82

Friday, August 8, 2014

5th Senior Series

1. Jay Jackson - 38
2. Conrad Geyser - 96
3. Brad Wheelwright - 1
4. Pat Jackson - 90
5. Nelson Klein - 94
6. John Keally - 93
7. Andrew Solomon - 80
8. John Kiley - 73
9. Nick Solomon - 8
10. Adam Keally - 82
11. Tom Klein - 17
12. Mike Dannhauser - 87
13. Sam Monahan - 26
14. D.J. Long - 83
15. Jackson Barzun - 123
16. Sam Carley - 57
17. Thayer Swartwood - 15
18. Max Spence - 92
19. Larry Odence - 77
20. Dan Delveccio - 84
21. Dale Edmunds - 68
22. Jay Spence - 4
23. Stephen Morris - 108
24. Michael Collins - 7

DSQ: Chris Jackson - 20

4th Opti Series

Race 1:

1. Sam Monahan
2. Francis Selldorff
3. Calvin Cochran
4. Paul Collins

Race 2

1. Francis Selldorff
2. Sam Monahan
3. Paul Collins
4. Calvin Cochran

2nd August Junior Series

1. Jack Gould - 63
2. Sam Monahan - 26
3. John Collins - 7
4. Jackson Barzun - 32
5. Francis Selldorff - 80
6. Stephen Morris - 15
7. Colin Keally - 82
8. Luke White - 12
9. Max Spence - 92
10. Henri Barzun - 123
11. Carrie Gould - 108
12. Maddie Ford - 77
13. Will Carley - 57

Monday, August 4, 2014

5th Informal Series

1. Nelson Klein - 94
2. Brad Wheelwright - 1
3. Conrad Geyser - 96
4. Phil Odence - 66
5. Lincoln Jackson - 60
6. Jay Jackson - 20
7. Dake Henderson - 101
8. Allison Jackson - 90
9. Chris Jackson - 38
10. Tom Klein - 17
11. Andrew Solomon - 8
12. Mike Dannhauser - 87
13. Nicholas Solomon - 3
14. John Solomon - 80
15. D.J. Long - 83
16. Tommy Burgess - 12
17. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
18. Catherine Long - 86
19. Matt Santangelo - 39

4th Cabot Series

1. Allison Jackson - 90
2. Catherine Long - 86
3. Hellie Swartwood - 57
4. Jan Rapp - 85
5. Libby Jackson (Had Male Crew)

3rd Opti Series

Race 1

1. Sam Monahan
2. Francis Selldorff
3. Veasey Jackson
4. Paul Collins

Race 2

1. Sam Monahan
2. Francis Selldorff
3. Veasey Jackson
4. Paul Collins

Race 3

1. Francis Selldorff
2. Sam Monahan
3. Paul Collins

Race 4

1. Francis Selldorff
2. Paul Collins
3. Sam Monahan

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Dead Neck Race

1. Chris Jackson - 3
2. Lincoln Jackson - 60
3. Conrad Geyser - 96
4. Jay Jackson - 90
5. Brad Wheelwright - 1
6. Andrew Solomon - 8
7. Tom Klien - 17
8. Mike Dannhauser - 87
9. Warren Wheelwright - 14
10. Phil Odence - 66
11. Nelson Klien - 94
12. Catherine Long - 86
13. Dale Edmunds - 68
14. Casey Dannhauser - 93
15. Andy Nickerson - 63
16. Kip Gould - 5
17. John Solomon - 80
18. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
19. Jan Rapp - 85
20. Will Carley - 57
21. Veasey Jackson - 78
22. D.J. Long - 83
23. Malcolm Carley - 15

DNF: Don Law - 37; Harry Hale - 108; Dake Henderson - 101; Deedee Nickerson - 20

Saturday, August 2, 2014

4th Senior Series

1. Conrad Geyser - 96
2. Lincoln Jackson - 60
3. Nelson Klien - 94
4. Dale Edmunds - 68
5. Andrew Solomon - 80
6. Adam Keally - 82
7. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
8. Mike Dannhauser - 87
9. Larry Odence - 77
10. Chris Jackson - 108
11. Veasey Jackson - 78
12. Deede Nickerson - 63
13. Malcolm Carley - 15

DNF: John Solomon - 8; Matt Santangelo - 39

1st August Junior Series

1. Max Spence - 92
2. Luke White - 12
3. Henri Barzun - 123
4. Sam Monahan - 26

Fourth July Junior Series

1. Beebe Jackson - 60
2. Jack Gould - 63
3. Max Spence - 92

Third July Junior Series

1. Beebe Jackson - 60
2. Jack Gould - 63
3. Max Spence - 92
4. Maddie Ford - 77

DNF: Will Carley

Monday, July 28, 2014

Fourth Informal Series

1. Lincoln Jackson - 60
2. Phil Odence - 66
3. Jay Jackson - 90
4. Brad Wheelwright - 1
5. Greg Austin Jr. - 76
6. Davis Jackson - 32
7. Chris Jackson - 4
8. Conrad Geyser - 96
9. Veasey Jackson - 78

DNF: Andrew Solomon - 8

Third Cabot Series

1. Allison Jackson - 90
Libby Jackson (Male Crew)
2. Katie Austin - 76
3. Lisa Hobson - 4
4. Sam Nuechterlein - 46
5. Deede Nickerson - 63
6. Jan Rapp - 85

Popponessett Race

1. Alex Nuechterlein - 46
2. Lincoln Jackson - 60
3. Allison Jackson - 90
4. Nelson Klien - 94
5. Mike Dannhauser - 87
6. Andrew Solomon - 8
7. Guy Jackson - 4
8. Phil Odence - 66
9. Warren Wheelwright - 1
10. Toph White - 17
11. Greg Austin Jr. - 72
12. Conrad Geyser - 96
13. Nick Peirson - 88
14. Casey Dannhauser - 93
15. Dan Delvecchio - 84
16. Chris Jackson - 3
17. Larry Odence - 77
18. Becca O'Brien - 102
19. Allie Carley - 15
20. Katie Austin - 76
21. Michelle Solomon - 80
22. Taber Keally - 82
23. Davis Jackson - 32
24. Nina Lloyd - 33
25. Jay Spence - 92
26. Pat Long - 83
27. Veasey Jackson - 78
28. Andy Nickerson - 63
29. Josh Jackson - 38
30. Catherine Long - 86
31. Jay Jackson - 20
32. Jan Rapp - 85

DNF: Michael Collins - 7; Matt Santegelo - 39; Deede Nickerson - 108
DNS: Kip Gould - 5

Day Sailor Results:
1. Elliot Wheelwright
2. John Peck - 3273
3. Lally Lloyd - 994

Friday, July 25, 2014

3rd Informal Series

1. Brad Wheelwright -1
2. Conrad Geyser - 96
3. Nelson Klien - 94
4. Chris Jackson - 3
5. Allison Jackson - 90
6. Josh Jackson - 38
7. Adam Keally - 82
8. Lincoln Jackson - 60
9. Andrew Solomon - 80
10. Mike Dannhauser - 87
11. Dake Henderson - 101
12. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
13. Phil Odence - 66
14. Jay Jackson - 4
15. Catherine Long - 83
16. Tom Klien - 17
17. Jay Spence - 92
18. Guy Jackson - 20
19. Veasey Jackson - 78
20. Davis Jackson - 32
21. Matt Santangelo - 39

3rd Senior Series

1. Mike Dannhauser - 87
2. John Keally - 3
3. Catherine Long - 86
4. Nick Pierson - 88
5. Andrew Solomon - 80
6. Brad Wheelwright - 1
7. Conrad Geyser - 96
8. Lincoln Jackson - 78
9. Chris Jackson - 108
10. Adam Keally - 82
11. Malcolm Carley - 15
12. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
13. Nelson Klien - 94
14. Allison Jackson - 90
15. D.J. Long - 83
16. Davis Jackson - 38
17. Karen Crosby - 73
18. Max Jackson - 32
19. Veasey Jackson - 60
20. Becka O'Brien - 102

DNF: Dale Edmunds - 68; Don Law - 37; Michael Collins - 7

2nd Opti Series

Race #1

1. Francis Selldorff
2. Paul Collins
3. Libby Jackson

Race #2

1. Francis Selldorff
2. Libby Jackson
3. Paul Collins

Race #3

1. Francis Selldorff
2. Paul Collins
3. Libby Jackson

Old Ladies Race

1. Susie Jackson - 90
2. Sam Neuchterlein - 46
3. Jan Rapp - 85
4. Lisa Hobson - 102
5. Nancy Jackson - 20

Governors Bowl


1. Nelson Klein - 94
2. Conrad Geyser - 96
3. Chris Jackson - 3
4. (Tie) Tom Klein - 17
4. (Tie) Dake Henderson - 101
6. (Tie) Lincoln Jackson - 60
6. (Tie) Jay Jackson - 90
8. Brad Wheelwright - 93
9. Bookie Odence - 77
10. Greg Austin - 76

1st Race:

1. Chris Jackson - 3
2. Lincoln Jackson - 60
3. Tom Klein - 17
4. Dake Henderson - 101
5. Andrew Solomon - 8
6. Nelson Klein - 94
7. Mike Dannhauser - 87
8. Catherine Long - 86
9. Conrad Geyser - 96
10. Bookie Odence - 77
11. Brad Wheelwright - 93
12. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
13. Nick Pierson - 88
14. Phil Odence - 66
15. Jay Jackson - 90
16. Alex Keally - 82
17. Hellie Swartwood
18. D.J. Long - 83
19. Josh Jackson - 38
20. Veasey Jackson - 78

2nd Race

1. Nelson Klein - 94
2. Conrad Geyser - 96
3. Jay Jackson - 90
4. Taber Keally - 82
5. Brad Wheelwright - 93
6. D.J. Long - 83
7. Josh Jackson - 38
8. Bookie Odence - 77
9. Phil Odence - 66
10. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
11. Dake Henderson - 101
12. Cathrine Long - 86
13. Tom Klein - 17
14. Mike Dannhauser - 87
15. Veasey Jackson - 78
16. Hellie Swartwood - 57

OCS: Lincoln Jackson - 60; Chris Jackson - 3

Second Senior Series

1. Brad Wheelwright - 1
2. Lincoln Jackson - 60
3. Nick Peirson - 88
4. Conrad Geyser - 96
5. Chris Jackson - 20
6. Tom Klein - 17
7. Nelson Klein - 94
8. Don Law - 37
9. John Keally - 82
10. Dan Delvecchio - 84
11. Dale Edmunds - 68
12. Tom Burgess - 12
13. Mike Dannhauser - 87
14. Dake Henderson - 101
15. Larry Odence - 77
16. Davis Jackson - 38
17. Max Jackson - 32
18. Jamie Spence - 92
19. John Kiley - 73
20. Malcolm Carley - 15
21. Andy Nickerson - 63

2nd Infomal Series

1. Jay Jackson - 4
2. Brad Wheelwright - 1
3. Conrad Geyser - 96
4. Lincoln Jackson - 60
5. Chris Jackson - 12
6. Dake Hendereson - 101
7. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
8. Mike Dannhauser - 87
9. Tom Klein - 17
10. Josh Jackson - 38
11. Davis Jackson - 32
12. Andrew Solomon - 80

2nd Cabot Series

1. Allison Jackson - 90
Libby Jackson - 78 (Sailing with Male Crew)
2. Katie Austin - 76
3. Catherine Long - 86
4. Beebe Jackson - 60
5. Jamie Spence - 46
6. Lisa Hobson - 102
7. Jan Rapp - 85

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Consolation Race

1. Davis Jackson - 32
2. Max Jackson - 38
3. Matt Santangelo - 39

Pirate Game

Veasey Jackson won the Pirate Game with a crew of Francis Selldorff and Luke White

Narrows Race

1. Stan Solomon - 3
2. Phil Odence - 66
3. Brad Wheelwright - 1
4. Lincoln Jackson - 60
5. Chris Jackson - 87
6. Josh Jackson - 38
7. Catherine Long - 86
8. Andrew Solomon - 8
9. Conrad Geyser - 96
10. Dake Henderson - 101
11. Jay Jackson - 20
12. Greg Austin Sr. - 72
13. Nelson Klein - 94
14. Larry Odence - 77
15. Allsion Jackson - 90
16. Tom Klein - 17
17. John Solomon - 80
18. Warren Wheelwright - 14
19. D.J. Long - 83
20. Dale Edmunds - 68
21. Karen Crosby - 73
22. Lisa Hobson - 102
23. Katie Austin - 76
24. Jan Rapp - 85
25. Veasey Jackson - 78
26. Matt Satangelo - 39

DNF: Sam Monahan - 26

July Moonlight Race

1. Michael Morris - 92
2. Jimmy Cochran - 46

Special Note: There will be no more spectating from the Committee Boat or Crash Boat during the Moonlight Races

1st Senior Series

1. Schuyler Hemmerdinger - 93
2. Chris Jackson - 20
3. Andrew Solomon - 80
4. Conrad Geyser - 96
5. Dale Edmunds - 68
6. Adam Keally - 82
7. Warren Wheelwright - 14
8. Brad Wheelwright - 1
9. Larry Odence - 77
10. Lincoln Jackson - 78
11. Dake Henderson - 101
12. Davis Jackson - 38
13. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
14. Stan Solomon - 3
15. Nick Solomon - 92
16. D.J. Long - 83
17. Beebe Jackson - 32
18. Allison Jackson - 90
19. Malcolm Carley - 15
20. Dan Del Vecchio
21. Karen Crosby - 73
22. Veasey Jackson - 60

1st Opti Series

Race #1:
1. Francis Selldorff
2. Sam Monahan
3. Libby Jackson

Race #2:
1. Francis Selldorff
2. Sam Monahan
3. Libby Jackson

Race #3
1. Francis Selldorff
2. Sam Monahan
3. Libby Jackson

Race #4
1. Francis Selldorff
2. Sam Monahan
3. Libby Jackson

2nd July Junior Series

1. Beebe Jackson - 60
2. Colin Keally - 82
3. Jackson Barzun - 123
4. Veasey Jackson - 78
5. Jack Gould - 63
6. Max Spence - 92
7. Max Jackson - 32
8. Will Carley - 15
9. Sam Monahan - 26
10. Luke White - 12
11. Carrie Gould - 77

1st Informal Series

1. Lincoln Jackson - 60
2. Brad Wheelwright - 1
3. Conrad Geyser - 96
4. Phil Odence - 66
5. Jay Jackson - 90
6. Greg Austin Sr. - 76
7. Stan Solomon - 3
8. Andrew Solomon - 8
9. Catherine Long - 83
10. Davis Jackson - 32

DNF: Chris Jacskson - 86; Guy Jackson - 4; Josh Jackson - 38

1st Cabot Series

1. Allison Jackson - 90
2. Jan Rapp - 85
3. Kate Austin - 76
4. Lisa Hobson - 20
5. Beebe Jackson - 60
6. Cathrine Long - 86

DNF: Leigh Dannhauser - 87;   Emily Lowell - 123

Saturday, July 5, 2014

1st Challenge Cup

  1. Lincoln Jackson - 38
  2. Brad Wheelwright - 1
  3. Phil Odence - 66
  4. Greg Austin Jr. - 76
  5. Stan Solomon - 3
  6. Allison Jackson - 90
  7. Jay Jackson - 20
  8. Chris Jackson - 12
  9. Greg Austin Sr. - 72
  10. Mike D. - 87
  11. Tom Klein - 94
  12. Nelson Klein - 17
  13. Conrad Geyser - 96
  14. Davis Jackson - 32
  15. Josh Jackson - 60
  16. Veasey Jackson - 78
DNF: Matt Santangelo - 39

DSQ: Jan Rapp - 85, Michael Collins - 7

Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July Race

  1. Brad Wheelwright - 20
  2. Allison Jackson - 90
  3. Conrad Geyser - 96
  4. Jay Jackson - 4
  5. Chris Jackson - 12
  6. Lincoln Jackson - 78
  7. Phil Odence - 101
  8. Josh Jackson - 60
  9. John Solomon - 80
  10. Nelson Klein - 94
  11. Tim O'Brien - 102
  12. Davis Jackson - 32

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

4th of July Meeting and Tropical Storm Arthur

The 4th of July Meeting will be at 9:30 am this Friday.  It's looking like there is a good chance of thunderstorms that morning, so the meeting will most likely be in Freedom Hall.  I would also like to remind everyone that the dues this year are ten dollars per person and twenty dollars per family, and that they must be paid in cash because we currently cannot accept checks.  The ACMYC will also be selling clothing at this time.

It looks like there is a chance we will experience tropical storm conditions Friday night and Saturday morning.  I suggest that those who have not yet launched their skiffs hold off for as long as possible.  If by Friday it looks like we will be hit by the storm, we will be hauling the skiffs that are already in the water when we would normally be having the 4th of July Race (2:30 pm).

I will send out an update if conditions change.

First July Junior Series

  1. Jack Gould - 63
  2. Max Spence - 92
  3. Beebe Jackson - 60
  4. Jackson Barzun, 123
  5. Will Carley - 102
  6. John Collins - 7

Sunday, June 22, 2014

First July Junior Series on July 2nd

The First July Junior Series this year will be on July 2nd.  This is to avoid having two Junior Series races in one day, and to better line up the series with the instructional program.

Also, a draft of the 2014 Racing Schedule can be found at the bottom of the page, or by following this link: